Cardano is a public block-chain platform. Its digital currency is called ADA and we are happy to say we accept this payment type through our store. The transaction fee is much lower compared to other cryptocurrencies and transactions are usually processed in under a minute.
The Process:
- Once you have selected your products and are ready to checkout, choose the “Pay With Cardano” option.
- Your current total (shipping included) will be converted from $AUD to ADA using the most recent exchange rate from one of the leading price trackers for cryptocurrencies.
- Open your Cardano wallet/wherever you store your ADA, copy the receiving address/scan the QR code and send the total amount of ADA stated in the “Total Amount in ADA to send:” box.
- Once the process has completed, paste in the transaction ID in the field provided.
- Click on “Place Order” and you’re done!
You will then be sent a processing email order with the details of your order and the amount of ADA you sent for your records. We will confirm the transaction on our end using the transactionID provided and sent a follow up email to let you know you were successful.
In the event you receive your products and are wanting to return them, you will be given the choice of payment type in either $AUD or ADA. If you choose to be refunded in ADA, the amount refunded will be the total value of the products in $AUD stated in the original invoice.